multTasks #2

CZY wants to merge 8 commits from multTasks into main
17 changed files with 268 additions and 382 deletions

View File

@ -12,11 +12,9 @@ public static partial class DumpDataHelper
private static partial Regex MatchBrackets();
public static async Task<string[]> GetCsvHeadersFromSqlFileAsync(string txt)
public static string[] GetCsvHeadersFromSqlFileAsync(string txt)
//var txt = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(filePath);
var match = MatchBrackets().Match(txt);
return ParseHeader(match.ValueSpan);
@ -60,9 +58,8 @@ public static partial class DumpDataHelper
return filePath[(firstDotIdx+1)..secondDotIdx].ToString();
public static async Task<string[]> GetCsvFileNamesFromSqlFileAsync(string txt,Regex regex)
public static string[] GetCsvFileNamesFromSqlFileAsync(string txt,Regex regex)
//var txt = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(filePath);
var matches = regex.Matches(txt);
return matches.Select(match => match.ValueSpan[1..^1].ToString()).ToArray();

View File

@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ namespace ConsoleApp2.HostedServices.Abstractions;
public interface IOutputService
public Task ExecuteAsync(TasksOptions tasksOptions, DataRecordQueue consumerQueue, ProcessContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
public void ExecuteAsync(TasksOptions tasksOptions, DataRecordQueue consumerQueue, ProcessContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken);

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public class InputService : IInputService
_context = context;
public async Task ExecuteAsync(TasksOptions tasksOptions, DataRecordQueue producerQueue, ProcessContext context,CancellationToken cancellationToken)
public async Task ExecuteAsync(TasksOptions tasksOptions, DataRecordQueue producerQueue, ProcessContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var inputDir = _dataInputOptions.Value.InputDir;
_logger.LogInformation("***** Csv input service start, working dir: {InputDir}, thread id: {ThreadId} *****", inputDir, Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId);
@ -42,14 +42,17 @@ public class InputService : IInputService
_logger.LogInformation("Working table: {tableName}", tableName);
var source = _dataInputOptions.Value.CreateSource?.Invoke(tableName);
await source.DoEnqueue((record) =>
if (source != null)
await source.DoEnqueue((record) =>
if (_context.GetExceptions().Count > 0)
if (!_context.GetExceptions().IsEmpty)
_logger.LogInformation("***** Csv input service is canceled *****");

View File

@ -5,14 +5,15 @@ using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace ConsoleApp2.HostedServices;
public class MainHostedService : BackgroundService
public class MainHostedService : IHostedService
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly IInputService _input;
private readonly ITransformService _transform;
private readonly IOutputService _output;
private readonly ProcessContext _context;
private readonly Timer? _bigTableTimer=null;
private readonly Timer? _smallTableTimer=null;
public MainHostedService(ILogger<MainHostedService> logger, IInputService input, ITransformService transform, IOutputService output, ProcessContext context)
_logger = logger;
@ -22,15 +23,15 @@ public class MainHostedService : BackgroundService
_context = context;
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var taskFun = (TasksOptions taskOp, DataRecordQueue producerQueue, DataRecordQueue consumerQueue, ProcessContext context) =>
var taskFun = (TasksOptions taskOp, DataRecordQueue producerQueue, DataRecordQueue consumerQueue, ProcessContext context,Timer? timer) =>
var inputTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
await _input.ExecuteAsync(taskOp, producerQueue, context, stoppingToken);
await _input.ExecuteAsync(taskOp, producerQueue, context, cancellationToken);
catch (Exception ex)
@ -39,11 +40,11 @@ public class MainHostedService : BackgroundService
var transformTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
await _transform.ExecuteAsync(taskOp, producerQueue, consumerQueue, context, stoppingToken);
await _transform.ExecuteAsync(taskOp, producerQueue, consumerQueue, context, cancellationToken);
catch (Exception ex)
@ -52,11 +53,15 @@ public class MainHostedService : BackgroundService
var outputTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
await _output.ExecuteAsync(taskOp, consumerQueue, context,stoppingToken);
timer = new Timer((object? state) =>
_output.ExecuteAsync(taskOp, consumerQueue, context, cancellationToken);
},null, TimeSpan.Zero,TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5));
catch (Exception ex)
@ -69,18 +74,19 @@ public class MainHostedService : BackgroundService
var bigTablesDic = new Dictionary<string, TableInfo>
{"order",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=5019216 }},
{"order_block_plan",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=2725553 }},//CreateTime < 202301的删除
{"order_block_plan_result",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=1174096 }},
{"order_box_block",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=29755672 }},
{"order_item",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=1345520079 }},
{"simple_plan_order",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=351470 }},//CreateTime < 202301的删除
taskFun(new TasksOptions { TableInfoConfig = bigTablesDic, OutPutOptions = new OutPutOptions { FlushCount = 10000, OutPutTaskCount = 2 } },
new DataRecordQueue(), new DataRecordQueue(),new ProcessContext());
var bigTableContext = new ProcessContext();
var bigTableOptions = new TasksOptions { TableInfoConfig = bigTablesDic, OutPutOptions = new OutPutOptions { FlushCount = 20000, OutPutTaskCount = 2 } };
taskFun(bigTableOptions, new DataRecordQueue(), new DataRecordQueue(), bigTableContext,_bigTableTimer);
var smallTablesDic = new Dictionary<string, TableInfo>
{"machine",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=14655 }},
{"order",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=5019216 }},
{"order_data_block",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=731800334 }},
{"order_data_goods",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=25803671 }},
{"order_data_parts",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=468517543 }},
@ -104,7 +110,16 @@ public class MainHostedService : BackgroundService
{"work_shift",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=59 }},
{"work_time",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=62 }},
var smallTableContext = new ProcessContext();
taskFun(new TasksOptions { TableInfoConfig = smallTablesDic, OutPutOptions = new OutPutOptions { FlushCount = 20000, OutPutTaskCount = 4 } },
new DataRecordQueue(), new DataRecordQueue(), new ProcessContext());
new DataRecordQueue(), new DataRecordQueue(), smallTableContext,_smallTableTimer);
return Task.CompletedTask;
public Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
throw new NotImplementedException();

View File

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
using ConsoleApp2.Const;

using ConsoleApp2.HostedServices.Abstractions;
using ConsoleApp2.Options;
using ConsoleApp2.Services;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
namespace ConsoleApp2.HostedServices;
/// <summary>
@ -34,41 +32,33 @@ public class OutputService : IOutputService
_transformOptions = transformOptions;
_errorRecorder = errorRecorder;
public async Task ExecuteAsync(TasksOptions tasksOptions, DataRecordQueue consumerQueue, ProcessContext context,CancellationToken cancellationToken)
private int _runingTaskCount;
public int RuningTaskCount
_logger.LogInformation("***** Mysql output service started *****");
_taskManager.CreateTasks(async () =>
get => _runingTaskCount;
public void DoTask() => Interlocked.Increment(ref _runingTaskCount);
public void FinishTask() => Interlocked.Decrement(ref _runingTaskCount);
public void ExecuteAsync(TasksOptions tasksOptions, DataRecordQueue consumerQueue, ProcessContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (context.IsTransformCompleted == false && consumerQueue.Count < tasksOptions.OutPutOptions.FlushCount) return;
if (RuningTaskCount >= tasksOptions.OutPutOptions.OutPutTaskCount ) return;
var records = new List<DataRecord>();
for (int i = 0; i < tasksOptions.OutPutOptions.FlushCount; i++)
var records = new List<DataRecord>();
while (!context.IsTransformCompleted || consumerQueue.Count > 0)
if (!consumerQueue.TryDequeue(out var record)) continue;
//_logger.LogInformation(@"*****OutputCount: {count} *****",count);
if (records.Count >= tasksOptions.OutPutOptions.FlushCount)
await FlushAsync(records);
if (_context.GetExceptions().Count>0)
_logger.LogInformation("***** Csv output thread is canceled *****");
if (records.Count > 0)
if (consumerQueue.TryDequeue(out var record)) records.Add(record);
else break;
if (records.Count > 0)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(async (queueState) =>
await FlushAsync(records);
_logger.LogInformation("***** Mysql output thread completed *****");
}, tasksOptions.OutPutOptions.OutPutTaskCount);
await _taskManager.WaitAll();
_logger.LogInformation(@"***** Mysql output service completed *****");
private async Task FlushAsync(IEnumerable<DataRecord> records)

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
using ConsoleApp2.HostedServices.Abstractions;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ConsoleApp2.Const;
using ConsoleApp2.Options;
using ConsoleApp2.Services;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using System.Reflection.PortableExecutable;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using ConsoleApp2.SimulationService;
namespace ConsoleApp2.HostedServices
public class TestInputService : IInputService
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly IOptions<CsvOptions> _csvOptions;
private readonly DataRecordQueue _producerQueue;
private readonly ProcessContext _context;
public TestInputService(ILogger<TestInputService> logger,
IOptions<CsvOptions> csvOptions,
[FromKeyedServices(ProcessStep.Producer)] DataRecordQueue producerQueue,
ProcessContext context)
_logger = logger;
_csvOptions = csvOptions;
_producerQueue = producerQueue;
_context = context;
public async Task ExecuteAsync(TasksOptions tasksOptions, DataRecordQueue producerQueue, ProcessContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var tableName = "order_item";
var headers = new string[] { "ID","OrderNo","ItemNo","ItemType","RoomID","BoxID","DataID","PlanID","PackageID","Num","CompanyID","ShardKey" };
var dataCount = 1200000000L;
var tempCount = 80000;
var tempRecords=new List<DataRecord>();
var comanyID = 1;
short[] shareKeys = { 23040, 23070, 23100, 24000, 24040, 24070, 24100, 25000, 25040, 25070, 25100 };
int[] companyIds = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
var sk = shareKeys.First();
var companyID = companyIds.First();
var shareKeyInterval = 20000;
var getShareKeyTimes = 0;
var getCompanyIDTimes = 0;
var shareKeyIntervalCount = 0;
for (long i = 1; i <= dataCount; i++)
if (shareKeyIntervalCount > shareKeyInterval) {
shareKeyIntervalCount = 0;
var fields = new string[] { i.ToString(), "20220104020855", (220105981029 + i).ToString(), "1", "482278", "482279", "3768774", "0", "0", "1", companyID.ToString(), sk.ToString() };
var record = new DataRecord(fields, tableName, headers, comanyID);
if (tempRecords.Count >= tempCount)
foreach (var rc in tempRecords)
if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
companyID = DataHelper. GetCompanyId(getCompanyIDTimes);
_logger.LogInformation("***** Csv input service completed *****");

View File

@ -19,65 +19,70 @@ public class TransformService : ITransformService
private readonly IOptions<DataTransformOptions> _options;
private readonly ProcessContext _context;
private readonly IDistributedCache _cache;
private readonly TaskManager _taskManager;
public TransformService(ILogger<TransformService> logger,
public TransformService(ILogger<TransformService> logger,
IOptions<DataTransformOptions> options,
ProcessContext context,
IDistributedCache cache,
TaskManager taskManager)
IDistributedCache cache)
_logger = logger;
_options = options;
_context = context;
_cache = cache;
_taskManager = taskManager;
public async Task ExecuteAsync(TasksOptions tasksOptions, DataRecordQueue producerQueue, DataRecordQueue consumerQueue, ProcessContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_logger.LogInformation("***** Data transform service started, thread id: {ThreadId} *****", Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId);
_taskManager.CreateTasks(async () =>
while ((!context.IsInputCompleted || producerQueue.Count > 0))
while ((!context.IsInputCompleted || producerQueue.Count > 0))
if (_context.GetExceptions().Count > 0)
if (_context.GetExceptions().Count > 0)
_logger.LogInformation("***** Csv transform service is canceled *****");
if (!producerQueue.TryDequeue(out var record)) continue;
_logger.LogInformation("***** Csv transform service is canceled *****");
if (!producerQueue.TryDequeue(out var record)) continue;
if (await _options.Value.RecordFilter?.Invoke(record, _cache) == false) continue;
record.Database = _options.Value.DatabaseFilter?.Invoke(record);
await _options.Value.RecordCache?.Invoke(record, _cache);
var replaceRecord = await _options.Value.RecordReplace?.Invoke(record, _cache);
if (replaceRecord != null)
if (_options.Value.RecordFilter != null)
var result = await _options.Value.RecordFilter.Invoke(record, _cache);
if (result == false) continue;
record.Database = _options.Value.DatabaseFilter?.Invoke(record);
if (_options.Value.RecordCache != null)
await _options.Value.RecordCache.Invoke(record, _cache);
if (_options.Value.RecordReplace != null)
var result = await _options.Value.RecordReplace.Invoke(record, _cache);
if (result != null)
record = replaceRecord;
var addRecords = _options.Value.RecordAdd?.Invoke(record);
if (addRecords != null && addRecords.Count > 0)
foreach (var rc in addRecords)
record = result;
var addRecords = _options.Value.RecordAdd?.Invoke(record);
if (addRecords != null && addRecords.Count > 0)
foreach (var rc in addRecords)
_logger.LogInformation("***** Data transformation service completed *****");

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class VoidOutputService : IOutputService
_logger = logger;
public Task ExecuteAsync(TasksOptions tasksOptions, DataRecordQueue consumerQueue, ProcessContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
public void ExecuteAsync(TasksOptions tasksOptions, DataRecordQueue consumerQueue, ProcessContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_logger.LogInformation("***** Void output service started, thread id: {ThreadId} *****", Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId);
while (!_context.IsTransformCompleted || _consumerQueue.Count > 0)
@ -34,6 +34,5 @@ public class VoidOutputService : IOutputService
_logger.LogInformation("***** Void output service completed *****");
return Task.CompletedTask;

View File

@ -7,11 +7,8 @@ namespace ConsoleApp2.Options
public string InputDir { get; set; } = "./MyDumper";
public int TaskCount { get; set; } = 16;
public int FlushCount { get; set; } = 20000;
public bool IsMock { get; set; } = false;
public string NoFilterTables { get; set; }="";//不需要过滤的表列表
public bool Isutf8mb4 { get; set; } = true;
public short OldestShardKey { get; set; } = 23010;

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ public enum ColumnType
public class DataTransformOptions
public Func<DataRecord, string>? DatabaseFilter { get; set; }
public Func<string, string>? TransformBinary { get; set; }//Binary转字符串方法

View File

@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ namespace ConsoleApp2.Options
public class OutPutOptions
public int FlushCount { get; set; } = 10000;
public int OutPutTaskCount { get; set; } = 2;
public int OutPutTaskCount { get; set; } = 1;

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ using Serilog;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed;
using Serilog.Events;
await RunProgram();
@ -57,53 +56,12 @@ async Task RunProgram()
//}, "请输入单次插入的行数(默认为20000):");
ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(200, 200);
ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(8, 4);
var host = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder(args);
var commandOptions = host.Configuration.GetSection("CmdOptions").Get<CommandOptions>() ?? new CommandOptions();
if (commandOptions == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("commandOptions is null");
var oldestTime = DateTime.ParseExact(commandOptions.OldestTime, "yyyyMM", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
//host.Services.Configure<InputTableOptions>(option =>
// option.TableInfoConfig = new Dictionary<string, TableInfo>
// {
// //order_block_plan_item从order_item表查询然后程序插入
// //order_package_item从order_item表查询然后程序插入
// //order_patch_detail生产没有这个表不处理
// {"machine",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=14655 }},
// {"order",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=5019216 }},
// {"order_block_plan",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=2725553 }},//CreateTime < 202301的删除
// {"order_block_plan_result",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=1174096 }},
// {"order_box_block",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=29755672 }},
// {"order_data_block",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=731800334 }},
// {"order_data_goods",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=25803671 }},
// {"order_data_parts",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=468517543 }},
// {"order_item",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=1345520079 }},
// {"order_module",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=103325385 }},
// {"order_module_extra",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=54361321 }},
// {"order_module_item",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=69173339 }},
// {"order_package",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=16196195 }},
// {"order_process",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=3892685 }},//orderNo < 202301的
// {"order_process_step",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=8050349 }},//orderNo < 202301的删除
// {"order_process_step_item",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=14538058 }},//orderNo < 202301的删除
// {"order_scrap_board",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=123998 }},
// {"process_group",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=1253 }},
// {"process_info",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=7839 }},
// {"process_item_exp",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=28 }},
// {"process_schdule_capacity",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=39736 }},
// {"process_step_efficiency",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=8 }},
// {"report_template",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=7337 }},
// {"simple_package",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=130436 }},//orderNo < 202301的删除
// {"simple_plan_order",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=351470 }},//CreateTime < 202301的删除
// {"sys_config",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=2296 }},
// {"work_calendar",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=11 }},
// {"work_shift",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=59 }},
// {"work_time",new TableInfo{SimulaRowCount=62 }},
// };
host.Services.Configure<CsvOptions>(option =>
option.Delimiter = ",";
@ -122,13 +80,17 @@ async Task RunProgram()
host.Services.Configure<DataTransformOptions>(options =>
if (commandOptions.IsMock) return;
options.DatabaseFilter = record => "cferp_test";
options.TransformBinary = field => commandOptions != null && commandOptions.Isutf8mb4 ? $"_utf8mb4 0x{field}" : $"0x{field}";
var noFilterTables = commandOptions.NoFilterTables.Split(",");
options.RecordFilter = async (record, cache) =>
//var index = Array.IndexOf(record.Headers, "ShardKey");
if (noFilterTables.Contains(record.TableName)) return true;
if (record.TryGetField("ShardKey", out var skStr))
short.TryParse(skStr, out var sk);
@ -150,7 +112,7 @@ async Task RunProgram()
if (dt < oldestTime) return false;
catch (Exception ex)
catch (Exception)
return false;//订单号转换失败,跳过
@ -176,20 +138,24 @@ async Task RunProgram()
if (record.TableName == "order_process_step" || record.TableName == "order_process_step_item")
//if(record.TryGetField("OrderProcessID",out var orderProcessID))
var value = await cache.GetStringAsync(record.GetCacheKey("OrderProcessID"));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))return false;
if(record.TryGetField("OrderProcessID",out string orderProcessID))
var value = await cache.GetStringAsync($"order_process_{orderProcessID}");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) return false;
if (record.TableName == "order_block_plan_result" )
//如果缓存中不存在ID,则丢弃(ID 对应order_block_plan中的ID)
var value = await cache.GetStringAsync(record.GetCacheKey("ID"));
if (record.TryGetField("ID", out string id))
var value = await cache.GetStringAsync($"order_block_plan_{id}");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) return false;
return true;
@ -292,7 +258,7 @@ async Task RunProgram()
var headers = new List<string>(record.Headers);
var fields =new List<string>(record.Fields);
var companyidResult =await cache.GetStringAsync(record.GetCacheKey("ID"));
var companyidResult =await cache.GetStringAsync($"order_block_plan_{id}");
_ = int.TryParse(companyidResult, out var companyid);
@ -308,7 +274,7 @@ async Task RunProgram()
var headers = new List<string>(record.Headers);
var fields = new List<string>(record.Fields);
var companyidResult = await cache.GetStringAsync(record.GetCacheKey("OrderNo"));
var companyidResult = await cache.GetStringAsync($"order_{orderNo}");
_ = int.TryParse(companyidResult, out var cpid);
return new DataRecord(fields.ToArray(), record.TableName, headers.ToArray(), cpid);
@ -350,7 +316,7 @@ async Task RunProgram()
if (record.TryGetField("OrderProcessID",out var processID))
var shardKey =await cache.GetStringAsync(record.GetCacheKey("OrderProcessID"));
var shardKey =await cache.GetStringAsync($"order_process_{processID}");
var headers = new List<string>(record.Headers);
var fields = new List<string>(record.Fields);
@ -449,13 +415,14 @@ async Task RunProgram()
// Password = "123456",
// MaximumPoolSize = 50, // 这个值应当小于 max_connections
options.ConnectionString = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder(host.Configuration.GetConnectionString("MySqlMaster"))
options.ConnectionString = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder(host.Configuration.GetConnectionString("MySqlMaster")??"")
CharacterSet = "utf8",
AllowUserVariables = true,
IgnoreCommandTransaction = true,
TreatTinyAsBoolean = false,
MaximumPoolSize = 50
MaximumPoolSize = 50,
SslMode = MySqlSslMode.None,
@ -478,7 +445,8 @@ async Task RunProgram()
host.Services.AddSingleton<IInputService, InputService>();
else host.Services.AddSingleton<IInputService, InputService>();
host.Services.AddSingleton<ITransformService, TransformService>();
host.Services.AddSingleton<IOutputService, OutputService>();
var redisOptions = host.Configuration.GetSection("RedisCacheOptions").Get<RedisCacheOptions>() ?? new RedisCacheOptions();

View File

@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ public class CsvSource:IDataSource
//protected readonly StreamReader _reader;
private readonly ILogger? _logger;
protected readonly string _tableName;
protected string? _sqlFilePath;
protected string _sqlFilePath=string.Empty;
protected readonly string? _sqlFileText;
protected string[]? headers;
protected string[]? csvFiles;
protected string[] headers=Array.Empty<string>();
protected string[] csvFiles = Array.Empty<string>();
public string? CurrentRaw { get; protected set; }
public string Delimiter { get; private set; }
public char QuoteChar { get; private set; }
@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ public class CsvSource:IDataSource
_logger = logger;
Delimiter = delimiter;
QuoteChar = quoteChar;
string pattern = $"^.*\\.{tableName}\\..*\\.sql$";
_sqlFilePath = Directory.GetFiles(_inputDir).FirstOrDefault(s => Regex.Match(s, pattern).Success);
@ -129,9 +126,11 @@ public class CsvSource:IDataSource
public virtual async Task GetHeaderAndCsvFiles()
string pattern = $"^.*\\.{_tableName}\\..*\\.sql$";
_sqlFilePath = Directory.GetFiles(_inputDir).FirstOrDefault(s => Regex.Match(s, pattern).Success) ?? "";
var text = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(_sqlFilePath);
headers = await DumpDataHelper.GetCsvHeadersFromSqlFileAsync(text);
csvFiles = await DumpDataHelper.GetCsvFileNamesFromSqlFileAsync(text, new Regex(@"'.+\.dat.zst'"));
headers = DumpDataHelper.GetCsvHeadersFromSqlFileAsync(text);
csvFiles = DumpDataHelper.GetCsvFileNamesFromSqlFileAsync(text, new Regex(@"'.+\.dat.zst'"));
public virtual async Task DoEnqueue(Action<DataRecord> action)
@ -140,9 +139,9 @@ public class CsvSource:IDataSource
foreach (var file in csvFiles)
var filePath= Path.Combine(_inputDir, file);
using (var fs = File.OpenRead(filePath))
using var fs = File.OpenRead(filePath);
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs))
using StreamReader sr = new (fs);
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
@ -164,9 +163,9 @@ public class CsvSource:IDataSource
if (file != null)
var filePath = Path.Combine(_inputDir, file);
using (var fs = File.OpenRead(filePath))
using var fs = File.OpenRead(filePath);
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs))
using StreamReader sr = new(fs);
var line = await sr.ReadLineAsync();
var fields = ParseRow2(line, QuoteChar, Delimiter);

View File

@ -11,34 +11,31 @@ namespace ConsoleApp2.Services;
public class JsvSource:IDataSource
private readonly string _inputDir;
private readonly JsvStringSerializer _jsv;
private readonly StreamReader _reader;
//private readonly string _inputDir;
//private readonly JsvStringSerializer _jsv;
//private readonly StreamReader? _reader;
// ReSharper disable once PrivateFieldCanBeConvertedToLocalVariable
private readonly ILogger? _logger;
private readonly string _tableName;
//private readonly ILogger? _logger;
//private readonly string _tableName;
public DataRecord Current { get; protected set; } = null!;
public string[]? Headers { get; }
public bool EndOfSource => _reader.EndOfStream;
//public bool EndOfSource => _reader.EndOfStream;
public JsvSource(string inputDir,string tableName, ILogger? logger = null)
_inputDir = inputDir;
_tableName = tableName;
_jsv = new JsvStringSerializer();
// _reader = new StreamReader(filePath);
//Headers = headers;
_logger = logger;
// _logger?.LogInformation("Reading file: {FilePath}", filePath);
//_tableName = DumpDataHelper.GetTableName(filePath);
//_inputDir = inputDir;
//_tableName = tableName;
//_jsv = new JsvStringSerializer();
//_logger = logger;
public async Task DoEnqueue(Action<DataRecord> action)
public Task DoEnqueue(Action<DataRecord> action)
return Task.CompletedTask;
public void Dispose()
// _reader?.Dispose();

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
namespace ConsoleApp2.Services;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
namespace ConsoleApp2.Services;
/// <summary>
/// 处理上下文类,标识处理进度
@ -8,7 +10,7 @@ public class ProcessContext
private int _inputCount;
private int _transformCount;
private int _outputCount;
private IList<Exception> _exceptionList = new List<Exception>();
private ConcurrentBag<Exception> _exceptionList = new ConcurrentBag<Exception>();
public bool IsInputCompleted { get; private set; }
public bool IsTransformCompleted { get; private set; }
public bool IsOutputCompleted { get; private set; }
@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ public class ProcessContext
public IList<Exception> GetExceptions()
public ConcurrentBag<Exception> GetExceptions()
return _exceptionList;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using ConsoleApp2.Helpers;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using ZstdSharp;
namespace ConsoleApp2.Services
@ -10,22 +9,19 @@ namespace ConsoleApp2.Services
public ZstSource(string inputDir, string tableName, string delimiter = ",", char quoteChar = '"',
ILogger? logger = null) : base(inputDir, tableName, delimiter = ",", quoteChar = '"', logger = null)
//throw new Exception("aaa");
string pattern = $"^.*\\.{tableName}\\..*\\.sql.zst$";
_sqlFilePath = Directory.GetFiles(_inputDir).FirstOrDefault(s => Regex.Match(s, pattern).Success);
private async Task<string> DecompressFile(string filePath)
private static async Task<string> DecompressFile(string filePath)
using (var input = File.OpenRead(filePath))
using var input = File.OpenRead(filePath);
using (var decopress = new DecompressionStream(input))
using var decopress = new DecompressionStream(input);
var ms = new MemoryStream();
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(ms);
StreamReader reader = new(ms);
var text = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
return text;
@ -34,9 +30,11 @@ namespace ConsoleApp2.Services
public override async Task GetHeaderAndCsvFiles()
string pattern = $"^.*\\.{_tableName}\\..*\\.sql.zst$";
_sqlFilePath = Directory.GetFiles(_inputDir).FirstOrDefault(s => Regex.Match(s, pattern).Success) ?? "";
var text = await DecompressFile(_sqlFilePath);
headers=await DumpDataHelper.GetCsvHeadersFromSqlFileAsync(text);
csvFiles=await DumpDataHelper.GetCsvFileNamesFromSqlFileAsync(text, new Regex(@"'.+\.dat.zst'"));
headers= DumpDataHelper.GetCsvHeadersFromSqlFileAsync(text);
csvFiles= DumpDataHelper.GetCsvFileNamesFromSqlFileAsync(text, new Regex(@"'.+\.dat.zst'"));
public override async Task DoEnqueue(Action<DataRecord> action)
@ -45,11 +43,11 @@ namespace ConsoleApp2.Services
foreach (var file in csvFiles)
var filePath = Path.Combine(_inputDir, file);
using (var input = File.OpenRead(filePath))
using var input = File.OpenRead(filePath);
using (var decopress = new DecompressionStream(input))
using var decopress = new DecompressionStream(input);
using( var reader = new StreamReader(decopress))
using var reader = new StreamReader(decopress);
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
@ -67,15 +65,15 @@ namespace ConsoleApp2.Services
public override async Task<DataRecord?> GetTestRecord()
await GetHeaderAndCsvFiles();
var file = csvFiles.FirstOrDefault();
var file = csvFiles?.FirstOrDefault();
if (file != null)
var filePath = Path.Combine(_inputDir, file);
using (var input = File.OpenRead(filePath))
using var input = File.OpenRead(filePath);
using (var decopress = new DecompressionStream(input))
using var decopress = new DecompressionStream(input);
using (var reader = new StreamReader(decopress))
using var reader = new StreamReader(decopress);
var line = await reader.ReadLineAsync();
var fields = ParseRow2(line, QuoteChar, Delimiter);
@ -88,9 +86,5 @@ namespace ConsoleApp2.Services
return null;
public void Dispose()

View File

@ -16,17 +16,15 @@ namespace ConsoleApp2.SimulationService
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly IOptions<DataInputOptions> _dataInputOptions;
private readonly DataRecordQueue _producerQueue;
private readonly ProcessContext _context;
public SimulationInputService(ILogger<InputService> logger,
IOptions<DataInputOptions> dataInputOptions,
[FromKeyedServices(ProcessStep.Producer)] DataRecordQueue producerQueue,
ProcessContext context)
_logger = logger;
_dataInputOptions = dataInputOptions;
_producerQueue = producerQueue;
_context = context;
public async Task ExecuteAsync(TasksOptions tasksOptions, DataRecordQueue producerQueue, ProcessContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
@ -41,93 +39,97 @@ namespace ConsoleApp2.SimulationService
foreach (var tableName in tasksOptions.TableInfoConfig.Keys)
var dataCount = tasksOptions.TableInfoConfig[tableName].SimulaRowCount;//当前表要生成的总数据量
var companyTotallCount = 1000;//当前表每个公司生成的总数据量
var tempRecords = new List<DataRecord>();
var sk = DataHelper.shareKeys.First();
var companyID = DataHelper.companyIds.First();
_logger.LogInformation("Working table: {tableName}", tableName);
var shareKeyInterval = 20000;//每个sharekey的数据量
var getShareKeyTimes = 0;//sharekey生成的次数,每生成一次改变sharekey的值
var getCompanyIDTimes = 0;//公司生成的次数,每生成一次改变companyID的值
var shareKeyIntervalCount = 0;
var dataCount = tasksOptions.TableInfoConfig[tableName].SimulaRowCount;//当前表要生成的总数据量
var companyTotallCount = 1000;//当前表每个公司生成的总数据量
var tempRecords = new List<DataRecord>();
var sk = DataHelper.shareKeys.First();
var companyID = DataHelper.companyIds.First();
var source = _dataInputOptions.Value.CreateSource?.Invoke(tableName);
var testRecord =await source.GetTestRecord();
for (long i = 1; i <= dataCount; i++)
var shareKeyInterval = 20000;//每个sharekey的数据量
var getShareKeyTimes = 0;//sharekey生成的次数,每生成一次改变sharekey的值
var getCompanyIDTimes = 0;//公司生成的次数,每生成一次改变companyID的值
var shareKeyIntervalCount = 0;
var source = _dataInputOptions.Value.CreateSource?.Invoke(tableName);
if (source == null) throw new NullReferenceException($"create table source:{tableName} failed!");
var testRecord = await source.GetTestRecord();
if(testRecord == null) throw new NullReferenceException($"create testRecord failed, tableName:{tableName}");
for (long i = 1; i <= dataCount; i++)
if (shareKeyIntervalCount > shareKeyInterval)
if (shareKeyIntervalCount > shareKeyInterval)
sk = DataHelper.GetShareKey(getShareKeyTimes);
shareKeyIntervalCount = 0;
var fields = new string[testRecord.Fields.Length];
Array.Copy(testRecord.Fields, fields, testRecord.Fields.Length);
var record = new DataRecord(fields, testRecord.TableName, testRecord.Headers, companyID);
if (record.Headers.Contains("ID"))
var index = Array.IndexOf(record.Headers, "ID");
if (index > -1)
sk = DataHelper.GetShareKey(getShareKeyTimes);
shareKeyIntervalCount = 0;
var fields = new string[testRecord.Fields.Length];
Array.Copy(testRecord.Fields, fields, testRecord.Fields.Length);
var record = new DataRecord(fields, testRecord.TableName, testRecord.Headers, companyID);
if (record.Headers.Contains("ID"))
var index = Array.IndexOf(record.Headers, "ID");
if (index > -1)
record.Fields[index] = i.ToString();
if (record.TableName == "order_box_block" && record.Headers.Contains("BoxID"))
var index = Array.IndexOf(record.Headers, "BoxID");
if (index > -1)
record.Fields[index] = i.ToString();
if ((record.TableName == "order_block_plan_item" || record.TableName == "order_package_item") && record.Headers.Contains("ItemID"))
var index = Array.IndexOf(record.Headers, "ItemID");
if (index > -1)
record.Fields[index] = i.ToString();
if (record.TableName == "order" && record.Headers.Contains("OrderNo"))
var index = Array.IndexOf(record.Headers, "OrderNo");
if (index > -1)
record.Fields[index] = i.ToString();
if (record.Headers.Contains("ShardKey"))
var index = Array.IndexOf(record.Headers, "ShardKey");
if (index > -1)
record.Fields[index] = sk.ToString();
if (tempRecords.Count >= companyTotallCount || i >= dataCount - 1)
foreach (var rc in tempRecords)
if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
companyID = DataHelper.GetCompanyId(getCompanyIDTimes);
record.Fields[index] = i.ToString();
_logger.LogInformation("table:'{tableName}' simulation input completed", tableName);
if (record.TableName == "order_box_block" && record.Headers.Contains("BoxID"))
var index = Array.IndexOf(record.Headers, "BoxID");
if (index > -1)
record.Fields[index] = i.ToString();
if ((record.TableName == "order_block_plan_item" || record.TableName == "order_package_item") && record.Headers.Contains("ItemID"))
var index = Array.IndexOf(record.Headers, "ItemID");
if (index > -1)
record.Fields[index] = i.ToString();
if (record.TableName == "order" && record.Headers.Contains("OrderNo"))
var index = Array.IndexOf(record.Headers, "OrderNo");
if (index > -1)
record.Fields[index] = i.ToString();
if (record.Headers.Contains("ShardKey"))
var index = Array.IndexOf(record.Headers, "ShardKey");
if (index > -1)
record.Fields[index] = sk.ToString();
if (tempRecords.Count >= companyTotallCount || i >= dataCount - 1)
foreach (var rc in tempRecords)
if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
companyID = DataHelper.GetCompanyId(getCompanyIDTimes);
_logger.LogInformation("table:'{tableName}' simulation input completed", tableName);
//_logger.LogInformation("File '{File}' input completed", Path.GetFileName(sqlPath));
_logger.LogInformation("***** Csv input service completed *****");