2022-01-08 16:14:40 +08:00

214 lines
7.4 KiB

using MySqlConnector;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using CliFx;
using CliFx.Infrastructure;
using CliFx.Attributes;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
namespace Chenfeng.MES.Archiver.Commands
public class MysqlCommand : ICommand
[CommandParameter(0, Description = "数据库连接")]
public string Connection { get; set; } = "";
public string TableSuffix { get; set; } = "new";
public DbConnection? Db { get; private set; }
public Action<string> Print { get; set; } = (text) => { };
[CommandOption("legacy", Description = "旧版MES")]
public bool Legacy { get; set; } = false;
[CommandOption("replace", Description = "替换表")]
public bool Replace { get; set; } = false;
[CommandOption("restore", Description = "回复表")]
public bool Restore { get; set; } = false;
[CommandOption("rm-backup", Description = "删除备份表")]
public bool RemoveBackup { get; set; }
[CommandOption("timeout", Description = "sql命令超时时间")]
public int Timeout { get; set; } = 3;
public ValueTask ExecuteAsync(IConsole console)
Print = (text) => console.Output.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()} {text}");
var connBuilder = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder(this.Connection);
connBuilder.SslMode = MySqlSslMode.None;
connBuilder.CharacterSet = "utf8";
var starMonth = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-12).ToString("yyyyMM");
SqlMapper.Settings.CommandTimeout = 60 * Timeout;
if (RemoveBackup)
else if (Restore)
console.Output.WriteLine($"拷贝"+( Legacy ? "旧" :"新")+"版表数据"+(Replace?"并替换":""));
Db = new MySqlConnection(connBuilder.ConnectionString);
if (Legacy)
catch (Exception ex)
return default;
private void CopyMesTables(string starMonth)
CopyStep((table, newTable) =>
CopyData(table, newTable, "LEFT(orderno,6) >= @starMonth", new { starMonth });
}, "order", "order_box_block", "order_data_block", "order_data_goods", "order_data_parts", "order_item", "order_module_extra", "order_module_item", "order_package");
CopyStep((tProcess, newProcess) =>
CopyData(tProcess, newProcess, "LEFT(orderno,6) >= @starMonth", new { starMonth });
CopyStep((table, newTable) =>
CopyChildData(table, newTable, newProcess, "parent.ID = child.OrderProcessID");
}, "order_process_step_item", "order_process_step");
}, "order_process");
CopyStep((table, newTable) =>
CopyData(table, newTable, "LEFT(DATE_FORMAT(CreateTime,'%Y%m'),6) >= @starMonth", new { starMonth });
}, "simple_plan_order");
CopyStep((parent, newParent) =>
CopyData(parent, newParent, "LEFT(DATE_FORMAT(CreateTime,'%Y%m'),6) >= @starMonth", new { starMonth });
CopyStep((child, newChild) =>
CopyChildData(child, newChild, newParent, "parent.ID = child.ID");
}, "order_block_plan_result");
}, "order_block_plan");
//CopyStep((table, newTable) =>
// CopyData(table, newTable, "concat('20',left(id,4)) >= @starMonth ", new { starMonth });
//}, "order_scrap_board");
private void CopyMesLegacyTables(string starMonth)
CopyStep((order, newOrder) =>
CopyData(order, newOrder, "LEFT(DATE_FORMAT(SaleDate,'%Y%m'),6) >= @starMonth", new { starMonth });
CopyStep((child, newChild) =>
CopyChildData(child, newChild, newOrder, "parent.orderno=child.orderno");
}, "SaleOrderItem", "saleblock", "saleobject", "saleorderobject", "saleorderoffer", "saleorderpackage", "saleblockobjids", "saleobjectobjids", "saleorder_block_cadmodelinfo", "saleorderblockbaseposition",
"saleordergoodsinfo", "saleorder_block_point", "saleorder_block_pointinfo", "orderprocess", "orderprocessstep", "orderprocessstepitem");
}, "saleorder");
CopyStep((plan, newPlan) =>
CopyData(plan, newPlan, "LEFT(DATE_FORMAT(createtime,'%Y%m'),6) >= @starMonth", new { starMonth });
CopyStep((child, newChild) =>
CopyChildData(child, newChild, newPlan, "");
}, "orderblockprocessplanplaceresult");
}, "orderblockprocessplan");
private void CopyData(string table, string newTable, string where, object param)
Db.Execute($"INSERT INTO `{newTable}` SELECT * FROM `{table}` WHERE {where}", param);
private void CopyChildData(string table, string newTable, string parentTable, string condition)
Db.Execute($"INSERT INTO `{newTable}` SELECT child.* FROM `{parentTable}` parent join `{table}` child on {condition} ");
private void CopyStep(Action<string, string> step, params string[] tables)
var list = tables.Select(table => new
Table = table,
NewTable = table + "_" + this.TableSuffix
foreach (var item in list)
if (RemoveBackup)
Db.Execute($"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{item.Table}_bak`");
else if (Restore)
Db.Execute($"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{item.Table}`");
Db.Execute($"RENAME TABLE `{item.Table}_bak` TO `{item.Table}`");
Db.Execute($"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{item.NewTable}`");
Db.Execute($"CREATE TABLE `{item.NewTable}` LIKE `{item.Table}`"); // IF NOT EXISTS
Print(item.NewTable + " 创建完成");
step(item.Table, item.NewTable);
Print(item.NewTable + " 拷贝完成");
if (Replace)
Db.Execute($"RENAME TABLE `{item.Table}` TO `{item.Table}_bak`");
Db.Execute($"RENAME TABLE `{item.NewTable}` TO `{item.Table}`");