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* @author Slayvin /
THREE.Reflector = function ( width, height, options ) { this, new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry( width, height ) );
this.type = 'Reflector';
var scope = this;
options = options || {};
var color = ( options.color !== undefined ) ? new THREE.Color( options.color ) : new THREE.Color( 0x7F7F7F );
var textureWidth = options.textureWidth || 512;
var textureHeight = options.textureHeight || 512;
var clipBias = options.clipBias || 0;
var shader = options.shader || THREE.Reflector.ReflectorShader;
var recursion = options.recursion !== undefined ? options.recursion : 0;
var reflectorPlane = new THREE.Plane();
var normal = new THREE.Vector3();
var reflectorWorldPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
var cameraWorldPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
var rotationMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
var lookAtPosition = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, - 1 );
var clipPlane = new THREE.Vector4();
var viewport = new THREE.Vector4();
var view = new THREE.Vector3();
var target = new THREE.Vector3();
var q = new THREE.Vector4();
var textureMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
var virtualCamera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera();
var parameters = {
minFilter: THREE.LinearFilter,
magFilter: THREE.LinearFilter,
format: THREE.RGBFormat,
stencilBuffer: false
var renderTarget = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( textureWidth, textureHeight, parameters );
if ( ! THREE.Math.isPowerOfTwo( textureWidth ) || ! THREE.Math.isPowerOfTwo( textureHeight ) ) {
renderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps = false;
var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( shader.uniforms ),
fragmentShader: shader.fragmentShader,
vertexShader: shader.vertexShader,
} );
material.uniforms.tDiffuse.value = renderTarget.texture;
material.uniforms.color.value = color;
material.uniforms.textureMatrix.value = textureMatrix;
this.material = material;
this.onBeforeRender = function ( renderer, scene, camera ) {
if ( 'recursion' in camera.userData ) {
if ( camera.userData.recursion === recursion ) return;
camera.userData.recursion ++;
reflectorWorldPosition.setFromMatrixPosition( scope.matrixWorld );
cameraWorldPosition.setFromMatrixPosition( camera.matrixWorld );
rotationMatrix.extractRotation( scope.matrixWorld );
normal.set( 0, 0, 1 );
normal.applyMatrix4( rotationMatrix );
view.subVectors( reflectorWorldPosition, cameraWorldPosition );
// Avoid rendering when reflector is facing away
if ( normal ) > 0 ) return;
view.reflect( normal ).negate();
view.add( reflectorWorldPosition );
rotationMatrix.extractRotation( camera.matrixWorld );
lookAtPosition.set( 0, 0, - 1 );
lookAtPosition.applyMatrix4( rotationMatrix );
lookAtPosition.add( cameraWorldPosition );
target.subVectors( reflectorWorldPosition, lookAtPosition );
target.reflect( normal ).negate();
target.add( reflectorWorldPosition );
virtualCamera.position.copy( view );
virtualCamera.up.set( 0, 1, 0 );
virtualCamera.up.applyMatrix4( rotationMatrix );
virtualCamera.up.reflect( normal );
virtualCamera.lookAt( target );
virtualCamera.far = camera.far; // Used in WebGLBackground
virtualCamera.projectionMatrix.copy( camera.projectionMatrix );
virtualCamera.userData.recursion = 0;
// Update the texture matrix
0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5,
0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5,
0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
textureMatrix.multiply( virtualCamera.projectionMatrix );
textureMatrix.multiply( virtualCamera.matrixWorldInverse );
textureMatrix.multiply( scope.matrixWorld );
// Now update projection matrix with new clip plane, implementing code from:
// Paper explaining this technique:
reflectorPlane.setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint( normal, reflectorWorldPosition );
reflectorPlane.applyMatrix4( virtualCamera.matrixWorldInverse );
clipPlane.set( reflectorPlane.normal.x, reflectorPlane.normal.y, reflectorPlane.normal.z, reflectorPlane.constant );
var projectionMatrix = virtualCamera.projectionMatrix;
q.x = ( Math.sign( clipPlane.x ) + projectionMatrix.elements[ 8 ] ) / projectionMatrix.elements[ 0 ];
q.y = ( Math.sign( clipPlane.y ) + projectionMatrix.elements[ 9 ] ) / projectionMatrix.elements[ 5 ];
q.z = - 1.0;
q.w = ( 1.0 + projectionMatrix.elements[ 10 ] ) / projectionMatrix.elements[ 14 ];
// Calculate the scaled plane vector
clipPlane.multiplyScalar( 2.0 / q ) );
// Replacing the third row of the projection matrix
projectionMatrix.elements[ 2 ] = clipPlane.x;
projectionMatrix.elements[ 6 ] = clipPlane.y;
projectionMatrix.elements[ 10 ] = clipPlane.z + 1.0 - clipBias;
projectionMatrix.elements[ 14 ] = clipPlane.w;
// Render
scope.visible = false;
var currentRenderTarget = renderer.getRenderTarget();
var currentVrEnabled = renderer.vr.enabled;
var currentShadowAutoUpdate = renderer.shadowMap.autoUpdate;
renderer.vr.enabled = false; // Avoid camera modification and recursion
renderer.shadowMap.autoUpdate = false; // Avoid re-computing shadows
renderer.render( scene, virtualCamera, renderTarget, true );
renderer.vr.enabled = currentVrEnabled;
renderer.shadowMap.autoUpdate = currentShadowAutoUpdate;
renderer.setRenderTarget( currentRenderTarget );
// Restore viewport
var bounds = camera.bounds;
if ( bounds !== undefined ) {
var size = renderer.getSize();
var pixelRatio = renderer.getPixelRatio();
viewport.x = bounds.x * size.width * pixelRatio;
viewport.y = bounds.y * size.height * pixelRatio;
viewport.z = bounds.z * size.width * pixelRatio;
viewport.w = bounds.w * size.height * pixelRatio;
renderer.state.viewport( viewport );
scope.visible = true;
this.getRenderTarget = function () {
return renderTarget;
THREE.Reflector.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Mesh.prototype );
THREE.Reflector.prototype.constructor = THREE.Reflector;
THREE.Reflector.ReflectorShader = {
uniforms: {
'color': {
type: 'c',
value: null
'tDiffuse': {
type: 't',
value: null
'textureMatrix': {
type: 'm4',
value: null
vertexShader: [
'uniform mat4 textureMatrix;',
'varying vec4 vUv;',
'void main() {',
' vUv = textureMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );',
' gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );',
].join( '\n' ),
fragmentShader: [
'uniform vec3 color;',
'uniform sampler2D tDiffuse;',
'varying vec4 vUv;',
'float blendOverlay( float base, float blend ) {',
' return( base < 0.5 ? ( 2.0 * base * blend ) : ( 1.0 - 2.0 * ( 1.0 - base ) * ( 1.0 - blend ) ) );',
'vec3 blendOverlay( vec3 base, vec3 blend ) {',
' return vec3( blendOverlay( base.r, blend.r ), blendOverlay( base.g, blend.g ), blendOverlay( base.b, blend.b ) );',
'void main() {',
' vec4 base = texture2DProj( tDiffuse, vUv );',
' gl_FragColor = vec4( blendOverlay( base.rgb, color ), 1.0 );',
].join( '\n' )