
ChenX 5 years ago
parent bd71c9b19d
commit 56e034686a

@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ import { BSPGroupParse } from "../../Geometry/BSPGroupParse";
import { FastWireframe } from "../../Geometry/CreateWireframe";
import { EdgesGeometry } from "../../Geometry/EdgeGeometry";
import { equaln, equalv2, equalv3, isIntersect, isParallelTo, MoveMatrix, ZeroVec } from "../../Geometry/GeUtils";
import { OBB } from "../../Geometry/OBB/obb";
import { ScaleUV } from "../../Geometry/UVUtils";
import { RenderType } from "../../GraphicsSystem/RenderType";
import { BlockTableRecord } from "../BlockTableRecord";
import { Factory, CADFactory } from "../CADFactory";
import { CADFactory, Factory } from "../CADFactory";
import { CADFiler } from "../CADFiler";
import { Contour } from "../Contour";
import { Shape } from "../Shape";
@ -101,6 +102,11 @@ export class ExtrudeSolid extends Entity
return new Box3Ext(new Vector3(), new Vector3(this.width, this.height, this.thickness));
get OBB(): OBB
return new OBB(this.OCS, new Vector3(this.width, this.height, this.thickness).multiplyScalar(0.5));
get GroovesAddLength()
return this.groovesAddLength;

@ -1,145 +1,212 @@
import * as THREE from 'three';
import { CoordinateSystem } from '../CoordinateSystem';
import { Vector3, Matrix4 } from 'three';
// Quote from:
// https://github.com/Mugen87/yume/blob/master/src/javascript/engine/etc/OBB.js
// 即obb.js(本项目中已存在)
// Reference material:
export class OBB
m_CoordinateSystem: CoordinateSystem;
halfSizes: THREE.Vector3
constructor(postion?: CoordinateSystem, size?: THREE.Vector3)
_EPSILON = 1e-3;
public center: Vector3;
constructor(public ocs: Matrix4, public halfSizes: Vector3)
this.m_CoordinateSystem = postion || new CoordinateSystem();
this.halfSizes = size || new THREE.Vector3();
this.center = halfSizes.clone().applyMatrix4(ocs);
getCenter(): THREE.Vector3
intersectsOBB(obb: OBB): boolean
let v = this.m_CoordinateSystem.Postion.clone();
v.add(this.m_CoordinateSystem.XAxis.clone().multiplyScalar(this.halfSizes.x * 0.5))
v.add(this.m_CoordinateSystem.YAxis.clone().multiplyScalar(this.halfSizes.y * 0.5))
v.add(this.m_CoordinateSystem.ZAxis.clone().multiplyScalar(this.halfSizes.y * 0.5))
return v;
let xAxisA = new Vector3();
let yAxisA = new Vector3();
let zAxisA = new Vector3();
let xAxisB = new Vector3();
let yAxisB = new Vector3();
let zAxisB = new Vector3();
let translation = new Vector3();
let vector = new Vector3();
let axisA: Vector3[] = [];
let axisB: Vector3[] = [];
let rotationMatrix = [[], [], []];
let rotationMatrixAbs = [[], [], []];
let halfSizeA: number, halfSizeB: number;
let t: number, i: number;
// extract each axis
this.ocs.extractBasis(xAxisA, yAxisA, zAxisA);
obb.ocs.extractBasis(xAxisB, yAxisB, zAxisB);
// push basis vectors into arrays, so you can access them via indices
axisA.push(xAxisA, yAxisA, zAxisA);
axisB.push(xAxisB, yAxisB, zAxisB);
// get displacement vector
vector.subVectors(obb.center, this.center);
// express the translation vector in the coordinate frame of the current
// OBB (this)
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
translation.setComponent(i, vector.dot(axisA[i]));
intersectsOBB(obb: OBB)
// generate a rotation matrix that transforms from world space to the
// OBB's coordinate space
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// assumes the position of each box to be an orthonormal basis
var pos1 = this.m_CoordinateSystem.getMatrix4()
var pos2 = obb.m_CoordinateSystem.getMatrix4()
var center1 = this.getCenter();
var center2 = obb.getCenter();
var centerDifference = center1.clone().sub(center2)
for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++)
rotationMatrix[i][j] = axisA[i].dot(axisB[j]);
rotationMatrixAbs[i][j] = Math.abs(rotationMatrix[i][j]) + this._EPSILON;
var results = {
intersects: true,
resolution: null
// test the three major axes of this OBB
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
vector.set(rotationMatrixAbs[i][0], rotationMatrixAbs[i][1], rotationMatrixAbs[i][2]);
// broad phase
var maxDiameter1 = this.halfSizes.length();
var maxDiameter2 = obb.halfSizes.length();
if (centerDifference.length() > maxDiameter1 + maxDiameter2)
halfSizeA = this.halfSizes.getComponent(i);
halfSizeB = obb.halfSizes.dot(vector);
if (Math.abs(translation.getComponent(i)) > halfSizeA + halfSizeB)
results.intersects = false;
return results;
return false;
// narrow phase
// test the three major axes of other OBB
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
vector.set(rotationMatrixAbs[0][i], rotationMatrixAbs[1][i], rotationMatrixAbs[2][i]);
// get the axis vectors of the first box
var ax1 = new THREE.Vector3()
var ay1 = new THREE.Vector3()
var az1 = new THREE.Vector3()
this.m_CoordinateSystem.extractBasis(ax1, ay1, az1);
// get the axis vectors of the second box
var ax2 = new THREE.Vector3()
var ay2 = new THREE.Vector3()
var az2 = new THREE.Vector3()
obb.m_CoordinateSystem.extractBasis(ax2, ay2, az2);
halfSizeA = this.halfSizes.dot(vector);
halfSizeB = obb.halfSizes.getComponent(i);
// keep them in a list
var axes = [ax1, ay1, az1, ax2, ay2, az2];
vector.set(rotationMatrix[0][i], rotationMatrix[1][i], rotationMatrix[2][i]);
t = translation.dot(vector);
// get the orientated radii vectors of the first box
var radX1 = ax1.clone().multiplyScalar(this.halfSizes.x)
var radY1 = ay1.clone().multiplyScalar(this.halfSizes.y)
var radZ1 = az1.clone().multiplyScalar(this.halfSizes.z)
if (Math.abs(t) > halfSizeA + halfSizeB)
return false;
// get the orientated radii vectors of the second box
var radX2 = ax2.clone().multiplyScalar(obb.halfSizes.x)
var radY2 = ay2.clone().multiplyScalar(obb.halfSizes.y)
var radZ2 = az2.clone().multiplyScalar(obb.halfSizes.z)
// test the 9 different cross-axes
var smallestDifference = Infinity;
// there are 15 axes to check, so loop through all of them until a separation plane is found
var zeros = new THREE.Vector3()
for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++)
var axis: THREE.Vector3;
// A.x <cross> B.x
halfSizeA = this.halfSizes.y * rotationMatrixAbs[2][0] + this.halfSizes.z * rotationMatrixAbs[1][0];
halfSizeB = obb.halfSizes.y * rotationMatrixAbs[0][2] + obb.halfSizes.z * rotationMatrixAbs[0][1];
t = translation.z * rotationMatrix[1][0] - translation.y * rotationMatrix[2][0];
// the first 6 axes are just the axes of each bounding box
if (i < 6)
if (Math.abs(t) > halfSizeA + halfSizeB)
axis = axes[i];
return false;
// the last 9 axes are the cross product of all combinations of the first 6 axes
// A.x < cross> B.y
halfSizeA = this.halfSizes.y * rotationMatrixAbs[2][1] + this.halfSizes.z * rotationMatrixAbs[1][1];
halfSizeB = obb.halfSizes.x * rotationMatrixAbs[0][2] + obb.halfSizes.z * rotationMatrixAbs[0][0];
t = translation.z * rotationMatrix[1][1] - translation.y * rotationMatrix[2][1];
if (Math.abs(t) > halfSizeA + halfSizeB)
var offset = i - 6;
var j = Math.floor(offset / 3);
var k = offset % 3;
axis = axes[j].clone().cross(axes[k + 3])
if (axis.equals(zeros))
return false;
// A.x <cross> B.z
halfSizeA = this.halfSizes.y * rotationMatrixAbs[2][2] + this.halfSizes.z * rotationMatrixAbs[1][2];
halfSizeB = obb.halfSizes.x * rotationMatrixAbs[0][1] + obb.halfSizes.y * rotationMatrixAbs[0][0];
t = translation.z * rotationMatrix[1][2] - translation.y * rotationMatrix[2][2];
if (Math.abs(t) > halfSizeA + halfSizeB)
// axes must be collinear, ignore
return false;
// A.y <cross> B.x
halfSizeA = this.halfSizes.x * rotationMatrixAbs[2][0] + this.halfSizes.z * rotationMatrixAbs[0][0];
halfSizeB = obb.halfSizes.y * rotationMatrixAbs[1][2] + obb.halfSizes.z * rotationMatrixAbs[1][1];
t = translation.x * rotationMatrix[2][0] - translation.z * rotationMatrix[0][0];
if (Math.abs(t) > halfSizeA + halfSizeB)
return false;
// A.y <cross> B.y
halfSizeA = this.halfSizes.x * rotationMatrixAbs[2][1] + this.halfSizes.z * rotationMatrixAbs[0][1];
halfSizeB = obb.halfSizes.x * rotationMatrixAbs[1][2] + obb.halfSizes.z * rotationMatrixAbs[1][0];
// get the projections of the first half box onto the axis
var projAx1 = Math.abs(radX1.dot(axis));
var projAy1 = Math.abs(radY1.dot(axis));
var projAz1 = Math.abs(radZ1.dot(axis));
t = translation.x * rotationMatrix[2][1] - translation.z * rotationMatrix[0][1];
// get the projections of the second half box onto the axis
var projAx2 = Math.abs(radX2.dot(axis));
var projAy2 = Math.abs(radY2.dot(axis));
var projAz2 = Math.abs(radZ2.dot(axis));
if (Math.abs(t) > halfSizeA + halfSizeB)
return false;
// sum the projections
var projectionBoxesSum = projAx1 + projAy1 + projAz1 + projAx2 + projAy2 + projAz2;
// A.y <cross> B.z
halfSizeA = this.halfSizes.x * rotationMatrixAbs[2][2] + this.halfSizes.z * rotationMatrixAbs[0][2];
halfSizeB = obb.halfSizes.x * rotationMatrixAbs[1][1] + obb.halfSizes.y * rotationMatrixAbs[1][0];
// get the projection of the center difference onto the axis
var projectionDifference = Math.abs(centerDifference.dot(axis));
t = translation.x * rotationMatrix[2][2] - translation.z * rotationMatrix[0][2];
if (projectionDifference >= projectionBoxesSum * 0.5)
if (Math.abs(t) > halfSizeA + halfSizeB)
// If the projection of the center difference onto the axis is greater
// than the sum of the box projections, then we found a separating plane!
// The bounding boxes therefore must not intersect
results.intersects = false;
return false;
// A.z <cross> B.x
halfSizeA = this.halfSizes.x * rotationMatrixAbs[1][0] + this.halfSizes.y * rotationMatrixAbs[0][0];
halfSizeB = obb.halfSizes.y * rotationMatrixAbs[2][2] + obb.halfSizes.z * rotationMatrixAbs[2][1];
t = translation.y * rotationMatrix[0][0] - translation.x * rotationMatrix[1][0];
if (Math.abs(t) > halfSizeA + halfSizeB)
// keep track of the difference, the smallest gives the minimum distance
// and direction to move the boxes such that they no longer intersect
var difference = projectionBoxesSum - projectionDifference;
if (difference < smallestDifference)
return false;
// A.z <cross> B.y
halfSizeA = this.halfSizes.x * rotationMatrixAbs[1][1] + this.halfSizes.y * rotationMatrixAbs[0][1];
halfSizeB = obb.halfSizes.x * rotationMatrixAbs[2][2] + obb.halfSizes.z * rotationMatrixAbs[2][0];
t = translation.y * rotationMatrix[0][1] - translation.x * rotationMatrix[1][1];
if (Math.abs(t) > halfSizeA + halfSizeB)
results.resolution = axis.clone().multiplyScalar(difference);
smallestDifference = difference;
return false;
// A.z <cross> B.z
halfSizeA = this.halfSizes.x * rotationMatrixAbs[1][2] + this.halfSizes.y * rotationMatrixAbs[0][2];
halfSizeB = obb.halfSizes.x * rotationMatrixAbs[2][1] + obb.halfSizes.y * rotationMatrixAbs[2][0];
t = translation.y * rotationMatrix[0][2] - translation.x * rotationMatrix[1][2];
if (Math.abs(t) > halfSizeA + halfSizeB)
return false;
// no separating axis exists, so the two OBB don't intersect
return true;
// could not find a separating plane, they must intersect
return results;
// setFromObject(obj: THREE.Mesh): OBB;
// setFromAABB(aabb: THREE.Box3): OBB;
@ -165,5 +232,3 @@ export class OBB
// clone(obb: OBB): OBB
