!1747 开发:拖拽轴缩放点,实体缩放

林三 3 years ago committed by ChenX
parent db18812dac
commit 662ff37621

@ -50,13 +50,20 @@ export function matrixIsCoplane(matrixFrom: Matrix4, matrixTo: Matrix4, fuzz = 1
return equaln(pt.z, 0, fuzz);
//构造缩放矩阵 等比例
export function matrixScale(scale: number, center?: Vector3)
let scaleMat = new Matrix4().makeScale(scale, scale, scale);
if (center)
scaleMat.setPosition(center.clone().multiplyScalar(1 - scale));
return scaleMat;
let scaleMtx = new Matrix4().makeScale(scale, scale, scale);
if (center) scaleMtx.setPosition(center.clone().multiplyScalar(1 - scale));
return scaleMtx;
//缩放矩阵 不等比例
export function MakeScaleMatrix(scaleX: number, scaleY: number, scaleZ: number, center?: Vector3)
let scaleMtx = new Matrix4().makeScale(scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ);
if (center) scaleMtx.setPosition(center.clone().applyMatrix4(scaleMtx).sub(center).negate());
return scaleMtx;

@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ export class Entity extends CADObject
* ,
protected OnlyRenderType = false;
protected HasEdgeRenderType = false;
protected HasPlaceFaceRenderType = false;
protected HasEdgeRenderType = false;//拥有封边检查绘制模式
protected HasPlaceFaceRenderType = false;//拥有排版面绘制模式
protected _CacheDrawObject = new Map<RenderType, Object3D>();

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { ConverMaterial2, ParseBoxUrl, ParseFBXUrl, UE_FBX_LOADER } from "../../
import { BoxLine } from "../../Add-on/testEntity/TestBoundaryBox";
import { ColorMaterial } from "../../Common/ColorPalette";
import { DisposeThreeObj, Object3DRemoveAll } from "../../Common/Dispose";
import { UpdateDraw } from "../../Common/Status";
import { ObjectSnapMode } from "../../Editor/ObjectSnapMode";
import { Box3Ext } from "../../Geometry/Box";
import { equalv3 } from "../../Geometry/GeUtils";
@ -57,6 +58,24 @@ export class EntityRef extends Entity
CloneDrawObject(from: this)
for (let [type, obj] of from._CacheDrawObject)
let oldUserDaata = obj.userData;
obj.traverse(o => o.userData = {});
let newObj = obj.clone();
obj.userData = oldUserDaata;
// obj.userData.IsClone = true;//因为这个实体不需要修改内部的geom 所以我们可以复用她
newObj.matrix = this._Matrix;
newObj.userData = { Entity: this };
// newObj.userData.IsClone = true; //因为这个实体不需要修改内部的geom 所以我们可以复用她
this._CacheDrawObject.set(type, newObj);
this.NeedUpdateFlag = UpdateDraw.None;
ApplyScaleMatrix(m: Matrix4)

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { CommandNames } from '../../Common/CommandNames';
import { DisposeThreeObj } from '../../Common/Dispose';
import { InputState } from '../../Common/InputState';
import { MouseKey } from '../../Common/KeyEnum';
import { MakeRotateMatrix4 } from '../../Common/Matrix4Utils';
import { MakeRotateMatrix4, MakeScaleMatrix, matrixScale } from '../../Common/Matrix4Utils';
import { UpdateDraw } from '../../Common/Status';
import { CommandHistoryRecord } from '../../DatabaseServices/CommandHistoryRecord';
import { Curve } from '../../DatabaseServices/Entity/Curve';
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ import { RotateGizmo } from './RotateGizmo';
import { ScaleGizmo } from './ScaleGizmo';
import { TranslateGizmo } from './TranslateGizmo';
const minScale = 0.3;
export enum TransMode
Move = 0,
@ -145,7 +147,22 @@ export class TransformServicess implements EditorService
await this.StartRotate(axes.AxtiveIndex);
else if (axes instanceof ScaleGizmo)
if (index >= 0 && index < 3)
await this.StartAxisScale(index);
else if (index === AxisType.Origin)
await this.StarScale();
else if (index > 3 && index < 7)
index = index - 4;
await this.StartFaceScale(index);
return true;
@ -605,6 +622,277 @@ export class TransformServicess implements EditorService
app.Editor.UcsServices.Visible = bakVis;
private async StartAxisScale(index: AxisType)
await CommandWrap(async () =>
let bakVis = app.Editor.UcsServices.Visible;
app.Editor.UcsServices.Visible = false;
let bakGrid = app.Viewer.GripScene.visible;
app.Viewer.GripScene.visible = false;
let bakUCS = app.Editor.UCSMatrix;
app.Editor.UCSMatrix = this._Matrix; //合理的UCS是关键,当用户转动视图时,我们也应该给予正确的UCS UP:看起来又不需要? 因为我们有Z捕捉
let bakSnapMode = app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.SnapModeEnable;
app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.SnapModeEnable = 0;
let bakSnapAxisMode = app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.AxisSnapMode; //TODO:按下F3 F8时,坑爹的userconfig.Upload会刷新捕捉模式,导致自定义捕捉模式失效
app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.AxisSnapMode = AxisSnapMode.Custom;
let bakLength = app.Viewer.PreViewer.Cursor.LineLength2D;
app.Viewer.PreViewer.Cursor.LineLength2D = 10;
let timer = setTimeout(() =>
app.Editor.MouseCtrl.EnableMouseUpDoit = true; //响应鼠标抬起就绘制
}, 150);
let mtxInv = new Matrix4().getInverse(this._Matrix);
let pos = new Vector3().setFromMatrixColumn(this._Matrix, 3);
let axis = new Vector3().setFromMatrixColumn(this._Matrix, index); //正常指向
let mouseP = PtCPToAxis(pos, pos.clone().add(axis), app.Editor.MouseCtrl._CurMousePointVCS).cp;
app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.CustomAxis = [[XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis][index]];
let jigEns = this._Ents.map(e => JigUtils.Draw(e));
for (let e of this._Ents)
e.DrawObject.visible = false;
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (i !== index)
mouseP.setComponent(i, 0);
let distance: number;
let scaleVector = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
let scaleRes = await this._Editor.GetDistance({
Msg: "输入缩放比例:",
BasePoint: mouseP,
CalcDistance: (baseP, pt) =>
if (!distance)
distance = baseP.distanceTo(pos);
return pt.distanceTo(pos) / distance;
Callback: (scale) =>
if (equaln(scale, 0)) return;
scaleVector.setComponent(index, scale);
for (let e of jigEns)
let OCS = e.OCS;
let OCSInv = e.OCSInv;
e.ApplyMatrix(MakeScaleMatrix(scaleVector.x, scaleVector.y, scaleVector.z, e.BoundingBox.getCenter(new Vector3)));
app.Editor.MouseCtrl.EnableMouseUpDoit = false; //响应鼠标抬起就绘制
if (scaleRes.Status === PromptStatus.OK)
let scale = scaleRes.Distance;
scaleVector.setComponent(index, scale);
for (let e of this._Ents)
let OCS = e.OCS;
let OCSInv = e.OCSInv;
e.ApplyMatrix(MakeScaleMatrix(scaleVector.x, scaleVector.y, scaleVector.z, e.BoundingBox.getCenter(new Vector3)));
for (let e of this._Ents)
e.DrawObject.visible = true;
app.Viewer.PreViewer.Cursor.LineLength2D = bakLength;
app.Viewer.GripScene.visible = true;
app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.AxisSnapMode = bakSnapAxisMode;
app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.SnapModeEnable = bakSnapMode;
app.Editor.UCSMatrix = bakUCS;
app.Viewer.GripScene.visible = bakGrid;
app.Editor.UcsServices.Visible = bakVis;
}, CommandNames.Scale);
private async StartFaceScale(index: AxisType)
await CommandWrap(async () =>
let bakGrid = app.Viewer.GripScene.visible;
app.Viewer.GripScene.visible = false;
let bakUCS = app.Editor.UCSMatrix;
let bakSnapMode = app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.SnapModeEnable;
app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.SnapModeEnable = 0;
let bakSnapAxisMode = app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.AxisSnapMode; //TODO:按下F3 F8时,坑爹的userconfig.Upload会刷新捕捉模式,导致自定义捕捉模式失效
app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.AxisSnapMode = AxisSnapMode.Custom;
let timer = setTimeout(() =>
app.Editor.MouseCtrl.EnableMouseUpDoit = true; //响应鼠标抬起就绘制
}, 150);
for (let e of this._Ents)
e.DrawObject.visible = false;
let pos = new Vector3().setFromMatrixColumn(this._Matrix, 3);
let axis = new Vector3().setFromMatrixColumn(this._Matrix, index);
let z = axis;
let x = new Vector3().setFromMatrixColumn(this._Matrix, FixIndex(index + 1, 3));
let y = new Vector3().setFromMatrixColumn(this._Matrix, FixIndex(index + 2, 3));
let ucsRo = new Matrix4().makeBasis(x, y, z);
let ucsMtx = ucsRo.clone().setPosition(pos);
let sizeOrg = this._Ents[0].BoundingBoxInOCS.getSize(new Vector3);
app.Editor.UCSMatrix = ucsMtx;
let mouseP = app.Editor.MouseCtrl._CurMousePointWCS.clone();
let jigEns = this._Ents.map(e => JigUtils.Draw(e));
let ptRes = await this._Editor.GetRectPoint({
Msg: "指定位置或者输入距离:",
BasePoint: mouseP,
Callback: (p1UCS, p2UCS) =>
let sizeNew = p2UCS.clone().sub(p1UCS).applyMatrix4(ucsRo);
let scaleVec = this.GetScaleVector(sizeNew, sizeOrg);
for (let e of jigEns)
let OCS = e.OCS;
let OCSInv = e.OCSInv;
e.ApplyMatrix(MakeScaleMatrix(scaleVec.x, scaleVec.y, scaleVec.z, e.BoundingBox.getCenter(new Vector3)));
app.Editor.MouseCtrl.EnableMouseUpDoit = false; //响应鼠标抬起就绘制
if (ptRes.Status === PromptStatus.OK)
let sizeNew = ptRes.Point2UCS.sub(ptRes.Point1UCS).applyMatrix4(ucsRo);
let scaleVec = this.GetScaleVector(sizeNew, sizeOrg);
for (let e of this._Ents)
let OCS = e.OCS;
let OCSInv = e.OCSInv;
e.ApplyMatrix(MakeScaleMatrix(scaleVec.x, scaleVec.y, scaleVec.z, e.BoundingBox.getCenter(new Vector3)));
for (let e of this._Ents)
e.DrawObject.visible = true;
app.Viewer.GripScene.visible = true;
app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.AxisSnapMode = bakSnapAxisMode;
app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.SnapModeEnable = bakSnapMode;
app.Editor.UCSMatrix = bakUCS;
app.Viewer.GripScene.visible = bakGrid;
}, CommandNames.Scale);
private async StarScale()
await CommandWrap(async () =>
let bakSnapMode = app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.SnapModeEnable;
app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.SnapModeEnable = 0;
let bakSnapAxisMode = app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.AxisSnapMode; //TODO:按下F3 F8时,坑爹的userconfig.Upload会刷新捕捉模式,导致自定义捕捉模式失效
app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.AxisSnapMode = AxisSnapMode.None;
let bakLength = app.Viewer.PreViewer.Cursor.LineLength2D;
app.Viewer.PreViewer.Cursor.LineLength2D = 10;
let timer = setTimeout(() =>
app.Editor.MouseCtrl.EnableMouseUpDoit = true; //响应鼠标抬起就绘制
}, 150);
for (let e of this._Ents)
e.DrawObject.visible = false;
let pos = new Vector3().setFromMatrixColumn(this._Matrix, 3);
let size = this._Ents[0].BoundingBox.getSize(new Vector3).divideScalar(2);
let mouseP: number;
let jigEns = this._Ents.map(e => JigUtils.Draw(e));
let scaleRes = await this._Editor.GetDistance({
Msg: "输入缩放比例:",
BasePoint: pos,
CalcDistance: (pos, p) =>
if (!mouseP)
mouseP = p.distanceTo(pos);
if (p.distanceTo(pos) < mouseP)
return p.distanceTo(pos) / mouseP;
return (p.distanceTo(pos) - mouseP) / size.distanceTo(new Vector3) + 1;
Callback: (distance) =>
if (equaln(distance, 0)) return;
let mtx = matrixScale(distance, pos);
for (let en of jigEns)
app.Editor.MouseCtrl.EnableMouseUpDoit = false; //响应鼠标抬起就绘制
if (scaleRes.Status === PromptStatus.OK)
let mtx = matrixScale(scaleRes.Distance, pos);
for (let en of this._Ents)
for (let en of this._Ents)
en.DrawObject.visible = true;
app.Viewer.PreViewer.Cursor.LineLength2D = bakLength;
app.Viewer.GripScene.visible = true;
app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.AxisSnapMode = bakSnapAxisMode;
app.Editor.GetPointServices.snapServices.SnapModeEnable = bakSnapMode;
}, CommandNames.Scale);
private GetScaleVector(vector: Vector3, size: Vector3)
let scaleVector = new Vector3(vector.x / size.x + 1, vector.y / size.y + 1, vector.z / size.z + 1);
scaleVector.x = scaleVector.x < minScale ? minScale : scaleVector.x;
scaleVector.y = scaleVector.y < minScale ? minScale : scaleVector.y;
scaleVector.z = scaleVector.z < minScale ? minScale : scaleVector.z;
scaleVector.x = scaleVector.x < 0.3 ? 0.3 : scaleVector.x;
scaleVector.y = scaleVector.y < 0.3 ? 0.3 : scaleVector.y;
scaleVector.z = scaleVector.z < 0.3 ? 0.3 : scaleVector.z;
return scaleVector;
private InitAxes(preView: PreViewer)
for (let a of this._CtrlAxes)
